William Fishbein
William Fishbein
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William Fishbein (M’62–SM’74–LSM’96) received his B.E.E. Magna Cum Laude from the City College of New York in 1948 and his M.S.E.E. from Rutgers University in 1955.
Following employment by the U.S. Navy as an electrical engineer at the New York Naval Shipyard and service with the U.S. Army Signal Corps, he joined the Combat Surveillance and Target Acquisition Laboratory (CSTAL) of the U.S. Army Communications—Electronics Command (USACECOM) at Fort Monmouth, NJ. In 1974 he became director of CSTAL’s Radar Division. In 1981 he was promoted to Associate Technical Director of CSTAL. As the Chief Engineer, Center for the Electronic Warfare & Radar System Target Acquisition Laboratory
(EW/RSTA) of USACECOM, he served until 1987, when he retired and became a Principal Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
During his career Mr. Fishbein developed technology and equipment for radar and IFF systems. Some of his major accomplishments include the AN/TPQ-36 & 37 radars–the Firefinder; the lightweight, battery operated AN/PPS-15 for detection of moving personnel and vehicles; the AN/PPS-5, the first ground surveillance radar to use clutter filtering and a ‘B-scope’ display to detect the motion of individuals and vehicles; various Doppler frequency models, adaptive antennas for IFF, and MTI radar for lightweight, remotely piloted vehicles.
He was the recipient of the Army R&D Award for Radar Technology in 1963 and 1970, and for the Firefinder radar in 1980. He holds thirteen patents, has presented papers and chaired sessions at many radar conferences, and is a member of Eta Kappa Nu.