CountryAUSAffiliationUniversity of New South WalesIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)Email
CountryITAPersonal Gender Pronouns(he/him)AffiliationPolitecnico di TorinoIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)Email
CountryCZEAffiliationUniversity of West BohemiaIEEE RegionRegion 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)Email
CountryCHNAffiliationHarbin Engineering UniversityIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)Email
CountryUSAAffiliationOhio State University
CountryAUSAffiliationUniversity of New South WalesIEEE RegionRegion 10 (Asia and Pacific)Email
CountryCHNAffiliationShanghai Jiao Tong University