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Green Radar: A Review and Perspectives for Signal and Data Processing of Passive Coherent Location Radar (PCLR)


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The DL will develop along the following topics. We start recognising that the Electromagnetic Spectrum is a Commodity. Then we introduce the concept of Passive Coherent Location  (PCL) which can be considered as the Green Radar. The Nomenclature of PCL & Bistatic Radar, follows.

We focus on the PCL historically and look at a Forerunner of PCL Radar from Communication. Then we introduce the PCL Geometry, the available measurements, and Pros & Cons of the PCLR. A detail on the developed technical topics are: PCL Radar Equation, Direct Signal Interference Mitigation with adaptive techniques, discussion on the Waveforms of Opportunity and the related Monostatic-Bistatic Ambiguity Functions. Subsequently the DL introduces the Schematic Principle of PCL Processing Chain and the PCL Tracking Principle Scheme with Some Simulation Results. The extension to Multistatic PCL and Tracking Techniques, based on random set theory, is illustrated and enriched with Some Simulation Results. The DL concludes with Way ahead and a list of References.