Mentoring is a very personal activity and often arises naturally through the course of networking. Mentoring partnerships are particularly beneficial when strong connections are built between individuals who share professional interests. This strongly motivates our new Professional Networking and Mentoring program. The AESS is proud to be one of the few IEEE Societies to offer a customized program that is specifically tailored to suit our international community.  

The AESS is fortunate to have a well-established core of experienced members that can actively contribute to this goal. We encourage and empower members to help grow the Society through this program. Mentoring is a powerful way to give back to the AESS community as it makes a meaningful contribution to developing members. We need potential mentors to profile on our website and trust you will take this opportunity to inspire future contributors to our Society. 

By joining the program, you will be able to select mentees who express interest. You may participate at your discretion as much or as little as you like. If you feel you can help to make a difference, please do not hesitate to signup for the program.

Mentor Qualities, Roles, Responsibilities

Primary Responsibilities of a Mentor

  • Maintain a professional relationship with the mentee
  • Support the professional and personal development of the mentee
  • Focus on individual needs of the mentee, with no agenda
  • Maintain and respect the confidentiality of the discussions
  • Meet regularly with the mentee and take an active role in reviewing progress
  • Notify AESS Mentoring Coordinator of any needs that the program is not meeting

Desirable Qualities in a Mentor

  • Extensive professional experience with high level of recognition in area of expertise
  • Leadership orientation with nurturing perspective that welcomes diversity   
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills covering a broad spectrum
  • Accessible and willing to share skills, knowledge, information, and resources
  • Trustworthy, respectful, understanding and patient, without exception
  • A good listener that creates a safe environment to develop and empower others

Core Role of a Mentor

  • Facilitate the professional growth and development of the mentee as an individual
  • Offer guidance and expertise to help the mentee identify their goals and aspirations 
  • Assist the mentee in developing a strategy for achieving their mentoring objectives 
  • Actively recognize and communicate useful knowledge, information and opportunities
  • Work closely with the mentee to create a satisfying and productive relationship

Expected Benefits to a Mentor

  • Opportunity to increase self-awareness and interpersonal skills in professional relationships
  • Access to new ideas, different perspectives and broader networks in the two-way exchange
  • Enhanced communication and leadership skills, often held in high regard by organizations
  • A way of making a contribution to the society and giving back to the community
  • Intrinsic satisfaction from passing on acquired skills, experience and knowledge
  • Fulfilment and intellectual stimulation from assisting in the mentee’s development

Mentorship Styles

Mentoring is an art that can take many different forms. Mentors and mentees may interact as they wish, provided a common, generally informal, agreement. However, mentors and mentees may find it hard to establish a type of relationship that is fruitful, natural and enjoyable. To this aim, the IEEE AESS Mentorship program is providing a set of mentorship styles where both mentors and mentees can initiate their relationship. The IEEE AESS encourages mentors/mentees to follow one or more of the styles indicated below. Requests by either mentors or mentees to collaborate differently from the ones suggested below, while permissible, may be used to justify a rejection or termination of the mentorship program.