David Rhoades
David Rhoades
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A little over two years ago, the announcement of expectation of an addition to my family in the form of my daughter spurred me to change my direction in life to its current path, with most of it due to a simple ideology: you can grow older, but you don’t have to grow up. I began playing with around with “kids toys” and became fascinated by some of the “newer-to-me” ones, such as model cars that are solar-powered, miniature wind turbines, and simple circuit boards. These toys led me to my current career field – the solar energy industry. My days were spent on rooftops laying solar panels, and my nights were behind a computer screen doing homework assignments. Currently, I work in the operational department within the same company I started installing with, Speir Innovations. Upon completion of my degree, I intend to use it to build a better tomorrow for my little girl and for the other little ones (and us big ones too) out there through designing more efficient energy capture methods.