James R. Huddle
James R. Huddle
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Over his distinguished career, Huddle has performed and directed system mechanization, analysis, evaluation, and optimization of various multi-sensor navigation, guidance, and surveying systems, according to ION. The sensors employed include inertial, Doppler radar and sonar, Loran, stellar-trackers, laser and RF range and range-rate devices, EM-logs, TERCOM, NAVSAT, OMEGA, and GPS. Applications include air, marine, and land navigation and referencing systems, strategic and tactical missile guidance, and position and gravity surveying systems.
Additionally, Huddle served on the Naval Studies Board Panel for Advanced Navigation Technology for the National Academy of Sciences from 1982 to 1984. He received the Institute of Navigation’s Thomas L. Thurlow Award in 1988, the Institute’s highest award granted for “Outstanding Contributions to the Science of Navigation.” He is a fellow of the ION, the IEEE, and the International Association of Geodesy. He has been awarded 11 patents and has several pending.