Chiawei Lee
Chiawei Lee
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Chiawei “FUG” Lee is an Assistant Professor, Instructor Flight Test Engineer, Evaluator Test Conductor, and Test Safety Officer at the USAF Test Pilot School. He currently serves as the Director of Research where he oversees the school’s internal flight test research programs. He previously served as the Test Management Program Director where he oversaw about a dozen student and staff flight test projects each year. He is also qualified as an evaluator and instructor Test Conductor and Test Director in the control room and in the F-16, T-38, and C-12 aircraft. He is an active Test Safety Officer and was the Chief Test Safety Officer responsible for the safe execution of curriculum and flight test project safety packages. His previous test assignments included weapons testing on the F-16 and F-22, Electronic Warfare testing on the B-1 and B-2, simulator instructor for the F-35, and Test Safety Engineer for Edwards AFB. He is a Flight Test Engineer Graduate of the Fixed Wing Syllabus at the United States Naval Test Pilot School, Class 162. He received a BS in Aerospace Engineering from UCLA and a MS in Aero/Astro Engineering from Stanford University where he conducted research in the GPS/GNSS Lab.