AESS Challenge Problem: Radar


IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Board of Governors (BoG) plans to fund the development of challenge problems and solutions in technical areas of AESS. The challenge problems are intended to stimulate excitement about research problems of interest to members of AESS. The IEEE AESS BoG has elected radar systems for its first challenge problem as that is the most active area of research in the AESS community. This request for proposals (RFPs) is for a development of challenge problem in the area of radar systems. One proposal in response this RFP will be funded to develop the proposed challenge problem. It anticipated that IEEE AESS will fund through future RFPs four developers of solutions to the challenge problem after it has been developed and documented.


IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Board of Governors (BoG) plans to fund the development of challenge problems and solutions in technical areas of AESS.  The challenge problems are intended to stimulate excitement about research problems of interest to members of AESS. Following the development and publication of a challenge problem, IEEE AESS BoG will solicit proposals for the investigation and development of solutions to the challenge problem.  It is anticipated that four or five proposals for solutions will be funded and those solutions will be presented at an IEEE AESS-sponsored conference in a special session. It is anticipated that solutions will have varying levels of complexity and the multiple solutions will lead to confidence in the technical solutions and implementations in real-world systems.   

The IEEE AESS BoG has elected radar systems for its first challenge problem as that is the most active area of research in the AESS community.  This request for proposals (RFPs) is only for the development of a challenge problem in the area of radar systems. The challenge problems may be software, hardware, or a mixture of software and hardware.  The specific topic and implementation details of the challenge problem are left to the proposer. It is anticipated that four proposals for solutions will be funded through future RFPs and those solutions will be presented at an IEEE Radar conference in a special session. It is anticipated that solutions will have varying levels of complexity and the multiple solutions will lead to confidence in the technical solutions and implementations in real-world radar systems.   
The RFP is organized as follows.  Section 2 gives the objectives of this first challenge problem, while Section 3 provides the program details and schedule. Section 4 defines the format and requested content for the proposal. Section 5 summarizes the selection criteria and  Section 6 provides concluding remarks. 



This RFP solicits proposals for the development of a challenge problem in the area of radar systems.  While the topic and specific details of the challenge problem are to be determined by the proposer, the problem should fit with an active area of research that is regularly part of the IEEE Radar Conference.  The challenge problem will be published in the proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference.  The delivery of the challenge problem will include software for computer simulations and performance assessment and any hardware needed to implement the challenge problem.  The developer should consider making arrangements for any special-purpose software and/or hardware to be provided by a vendor as part of the program. 

Proposals are due September 15


Georgia Tech Research Institute
IEEE Region
Region 3 (Southeastern U.S.)
University of Pisa
IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Program and Schedule

Proposals are due September 15, 2024, and should be submitted via e-mail to W. Dale Blair at (Click to show email) and Sabrina Greco at (Click to show email) .  Proposals should include a cost estimate that shall not exceed $24,000.  Challenge problem developers should scope their problem so that one working in the area of your problem can provide a meaningful contribution for less than $25,000.  The IEEE AESS BoG will select a challenge problem proposal for funding before October 1, 2024, and funding will be made available before November 15, 2024.  The challenge problem developer will deliver a problem description before January 1, 2025, so that proposals for solutions can be developed before February 1, 2025.  The challenge problem will be due on February 15, 2025, and the delivery of the challenge problem shall include a final technical report with a presentation, a paper submission to the 2025 IEEE Radar Conference that describes the problem, and software and hardware needed to implement the challenge problem.

While the challenge problem will be made available publically, it is anticipated that IEEE AESS through future RFPs will award four grants for $24,000 for four investigators to develop solutions to the challenge problem. It should be assumed that any solution developer will have knowledge and experience in the area of the challenge problem and have access to standard software and hardware tools.

Planned Schedule for Radar Challenge Program

  • September 15: Proposals for Challenge Problem: Radar due
  • October 1: Selection of Radar Challenge Problem for Funding
  • November 1: Funding to Developer of the Radar Challenge Problem
  • January 1: Description of Challenge Problem for Proposers of Solutions
  • February 1: Proposals for Solutions for the Radar Challenge Problem
  • February 15: Technical Report and Delivery of Challenge Problem 
  • February 15: Selection of four Proposed Solutions for Radar Challenge Problem
  • March 15: Paper Describing Challenge Problem for IEEE Radar Conference
  • April 15: Papers Describing Solutions for the Radar Challenge Problem for the IEEE Radar Conference

Format and Content of Proposals

Proposals should not exceed 10 pages in 12 pt font. Biographical information may be included in an appendix and that is not subjected to the limits. Proposals should include the following sections.

Introduction: Introduce the reader to the area of research of your proposed challenge problem, summarize the research surrounding your problem, and explain your connection to the area.

Motivation: Motivate the investment of IEEE AESS in your proposal challenge problem.

Technical Description of Problem: Provide a technical description of the proposed challenge problem with references.

Performance Metrics: Describe the metrics by which contributors will be scored and ranked, and include any performance constraints.  Describe the collection method for the metrics.  Metrics for the complexity, cost, or computational cost of the different solutions will likely be needed.

Implementation Plan: Explain the implementation plan for your challenge problem.  For example, a software program will be provided to simulate the radar data based on truth scenarios, collect the results of the proposed solution, and compile results. Requirements should be specified in general terms and include scenarios for development and evaluation. If your challenge problem includes hardware, you might need to develop an agreement with the hardware provider for a discounted price.  Any such agreements should be addressed in your proposal and your final report. 

Milestone Schedule and Developers: Include a milestone schedule that includes one in progress report and one briefing.   Also, provide a list of all proposed deliverables. Deliverables should include a technical report with presentation, problem description for solution proposers, paper for 2025 IEEE Radar Conference that describes the problem, and software and hardware needed to implement the challenge problem.

Anticipated Participants: Provide a list of researchers who are anticipated to participate in the development of solutions to your challenge problem. 

Key Investigators: Provide very brief biography of key investigators that will be developing the challenge problem.  

Cost: Provide a cost estimate for the development of your challenge problem.   Costs may include materials and supplies and employee labor.

References: Provide references to key research in the area of your proposed challenge problem. 

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals for the challenge problem will be judged on the:

  1. IEEE AESS area of interest (20%)
  2. Anticipated interest of solution developers (20%)
  3. Anticipated success of proposed program (20%)
  4. Subject matter expertise of developers (20%)
  5. Anticipated impact on real-world radar systems (20%)


Concluding Remarks

It is anticipated that this RFP will lead to funding for the development of solutions for this challenge problem in order to stimulate excitement in the radar community. The challenge problem will also be made available to the public.