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UK and Ireland Section Chapter Host Workshop on Spectrum and Phase Measurement of Agile Frequency Synthesizers

1 week 2 days ago
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A successful first day at the L-band Synthesiser Phase Noise Workshop with Julien Le Kernec group from University of Glasgow. Tests with multiple oscillator devices are enabling the characterisation of low phase-noise frequency synthesiser which are a major element in radar design for low observables targets. Its great to see the wealth of experience built by the University of Birmingham Advanced Radar Network team ensuring great collaboration with other academic partners. 

At the conclusion of the two day Phase Noise workshop, the team completed a full set of characterisation of the University of Glasgow L-band Frequency synthesiser using a 10MHz ultra low phase noise external reference oscillator. Data from the CW output, pulse output, power amplified output and wireless transmission through the antenna has provided detailed phase noise characterisation of the RF transmit chain with the University of Glasgow synthesiser. Many thanks to Julien Le Kernec and Mostafa Elsayed for their efforts. This work is adding to the understanding of developing third node of the Advanced Networked Radar testbed facility that is already fully operation with two L-band staring holographic radar. 

UK/IRE Spectrum Workshop 1


UK/IRE Spectrum Workshop 2


UK/IRE Spectrum Workshop 4


UK/IRE Spectrum Workshop 5