Cosimo Stallo
Cosimo Stallo
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Cosimo Stallo graduated in Electronic Engineering with specialization in Microelectronic Design at Polytechnic of Bari in 2005. He was involved in studying, analysing and simulating Optical Model of a selectively oxidized VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) emitting at 850 nm. He received cum laude a MSc Degree in “Advanced Communication and Navigation Satellite Systems” in 2006 at University of Rome Tor Vergata. He obtained a scholarship funded by Italian Space Agency for the Ph.D course in Microelectronics and Telecommunications XXII cycle (2006-2009) at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He obtained cum laude the Ph.D in Microelectronics and Telecommunications at Electronic Department of Engineering Faculty of University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on June 3 2010 with the Thesis: “Wireless Technologies for Future Multi-Gigabit Communications Beyond 60 GHz: Design Issue and Performance Analysis for Terrestrial and Satellite Applications”. In 2007 he entered in Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF), an international research centre, operating in the fields of ICT, with offices in Denmark (Aalborg) (headquarter), Italy (Rome), India, Japan and U.S. (http://www.ctif.org">www.ctif.org). He is currently involved in the following research projects: PERLA-W (Propagation Experiment for a RadioLink Analysis at W band), auto-funded feasibility study for analysis, development and measurements collection for a high bit rate terrestrial point-to-point radio-link operating at W band. In this project, he is responsible of radio-interface design, experimental measurements collection and realization of the model to evaluate the distortions due to RF H/W and propagation channel. TDP # 5 (Technology Demonstration Program #5), a joint project funded by European Space Agency (ESA) and ASI, for the realization of a payload for scientific experiments in order to test satellite propagation and communication at Q/V bands to be embarked on AlphaSat satellite. This activity research is focused on the support to requirements definition, scheduling and realization of the activity research relative to the communication experiments for the optimization of Fade Mitigation Techniques (FMTs); 3INSAT (Train Integrated Safety Satellite System), an ESA-IAP project aiming at developing and validating a new satellite-based platform to be integrated into a SIL4 Train Control and Management System. This project is based on the ERTMS-ETCS platform and it addresses the specific developments in the satellite localization and satellite telecommunication to satisfy the demand for low traffic, rural, freight (especially mine sector) and regional applications in the international, national and European markets. A test and validation campaign is planned on a specific Test Site to be carried out in Sardinia on a 50km line; RoyHill (ANSALDO STS) A project with Ansaldo STS to supply satellite positioning system for heavy haul railway. My task is to design On Board Unit Architecture to supply satellite positioning-based train control and protection technology for the 342 km heavy haul line to be built as part of the Roy Hill iron ore mining development in Western Australia. He belonged to the Scientific Committee of the following projects:
- 2007-2008 TRANSPONDER2 (Task di Ricerca, ANalisi e Studio su Payload Operanti Nella banda Detta Q/V Estesa ai Ritorni ed agli Scenari –phase A2), a project funded by ASI for the design of a communication payload operating at Q/V bands. His research activity was focused on the support for the definition of scientific requirements of the communication experiments, study and analysis of economic and programmatic implications and for the identification of critical technological elements; 2007-2008 FLORAD (Micro-satellite FLOwer Constellation of millimeter-wave RADiometers for the Earth and space Observation at regional scale), a project funded by ASI for the application of innovative satellite constellations (Flower Constellations) to the remote sensing at millimeter waves. In thi project he was responsible of the optimization and analysis of an innovative flower constellation; 2006-2007 WAVE-2 (Wave Analysis and VErification- Phase A2), funded by ASI for the design of EHF Payloads for a feasibility study aiming at the analysis and characterization of propagation phenomena in the W band satellite channel; 2007-2008 E2GDRS (European Second Generation Data Relay Satellite System), an ESA study (phase A) for the design of the future european data relay satellite. His reaserch activity was focused on the analysis of the availabilty link and the evaluation of link budgets for user segments of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
Currently, he is the Assistant Professor for the course in Signal Processing and Power Electronics at Mechatronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata in Colleferro (Rome). Since 2011 he is Professor for the course on Satellite Navigation at Master of Science on “Advanced Satellite Communication and Navigation Systems” of University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome. Since 2013-14 he is tutor for the course on Communication Systems at University of Trento, Italy. His main fields of research concern terrestrial and satellite communications at Extremely High Frequency (EHF), design of payloads and subsystems for telecommunications at Q/V [35-75 GHz] and W [75-110 GHz] bands, satellite navigation, signal processing, and ICT for Quality of Life (biotechnology, health and energy). He is co-author of about 50 papers on international journals/transactions and proceedings of international conferences. IEEE Activities Since May 2007 he is the Italian Chair of the IEEE Professional Activities Affinity Group (formerly GOLD). Since February 2010 he is the Chair of the Space Systems Technical Panel and the Chair of the IEEE AESS Professional Activities Affinity Group. He was the General Chair of the 2011 ISaCoNaS (Integrated Satellite Communication and Navigation Systems) Workshop held in Castellaneta Marina, Apulia, Italy on July 25-30 2011. He was the Technical Programme Responsible of the 2012 ESTEL (European Satellite Telecommunications) Conference that was held in Centro Congressi Trevi, Rome (Italy) on October 2-5 2012. He has been TPC member of many IEEE conferences (SIBCON 2009, SIBCON 2011, 2010 IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference, 2012 IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference, VTC2010-Spring, SECRYPT 2012, ESTEL 2012, ISACONAS 2011, METROAEROSPACE 2014, METROAEROSPACE 2015). He was the Chair of the Student Activities Committee of IEEE EnergyCon 2012 Conference - Towards User-centric Smart Systems – that was held in Florence (Italy) on September 9-12 2012. He was the Editor in Chief of the IEEE AESS Quarterly Email Blast (QEB) since October 2011 from December 2013. Since 2013 he participates to the initiative IEEE Division IX for Quality of Life (Div IX-4-QoL). Since 2014 he is involved in TAB Awards and Recognition Committee (TABARC).
- 2021-Present Panel Members (Glue Technologies for Space Systems Panel Roster)
- 2011-2014 Young Professionals Representative (Other Appointments)
- 2011-2014 Young Professionals Representative (2025 SYP Organizing Committee)
- 2010-2010 Graduate Student Representative (Other Appointments)
- 2010-2010 Graduate Student Representative (2025 SYP Organizing Committee)