2023 AESS Award Recipients
Congratulations to all AESS and RadarConf'23 Award Recipients on these remarkable achievements. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and contributions to the AESS and Radar communities!
2023 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal
Alberto Moreira - For leadership and innovative concepts in the design, deployment, and utilization of airborne and space-based radar systems.
As it stands today, the IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. Congratulations to the AESS members that were elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2023!
Michael Braasch - for contributions to GPS multipath error characterization and mitigation
Karen Haigh - for contributions to closed-loop control of embedded systems
Anthony Martone - for contributions to the development and validation of cognitive radar systems
Khanh Pham - for leadership in military aerospace decision support systems and strategic small business innovation
Yaakov Bar-Shalom and Henk Blom - For development of the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) approach to multi-model estimation and maneuvering target tracking.
2023 IEEE AESS Judith A. Resnik Space Award
Winner not selected for 2023
Dale Blair - For contributions to monopulse processing for unresolved objects, tracking of maneuvering targets, and radar resource allocation
2023 Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award
Justin Garth Metcalf - For contributions to radar embedded communications, spectrum sharing, and cognitive radar
2023 Industrial Innovation Award
Daniel Harris, Peter A. Lovassy, and Darin T. Dunham - For engineering and implementing System Level Discrimination (SLD) in the Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) system. This enhancement significantly decreases the number of interceptors used by engaging weapon systems in the Missile Defense System (MDS) while maintaining engagement performance.
2022 Distinguished Service Award
Michael Rice - For extraordinary leadership as Editor-in-Chief by advancing the prestige of the IEEE Transactions of Aerospace and Electronic Systems through proactive measures to reduce review timelines and at the same time measurably improving quality
Dr. Avid Roman-Gonzalez - For contributions to the creation of space technologies in developing countries
2022 Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award
Leonardo Millefiori - In recognition of the Ph.D. dissertation “Machine Learning and Data Fusion Methods for Enhanced Maritime Surveillance.
2023 IEEE Michael C. Wicks Radar Student Travel Grant
Piers Beasley – for the paper entitled “Multi-Band Hybrid Active-Passive Radar Sensor Fusion”
Rodrigo Blazquez – for the paper entitled “Experimental Comparison of Starlink and OneWeb Signals for Passive Radar”
Kainat Yasmeen – for the paper entitled “Estimation of Electrical Characteristics of Complex Walls Using Deep Neural Networks”
Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System(s) (C-UAS): State of the Art, Challenges, and Future Trends
J. Wang, Y. Liu and H. Song; DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2020.3015537
2019 M. Barry Carlton Award
Dual-Function MIMO Radar Communications System Design Via Sparse Array Optimization
Xiangrong Wang, Aboulnasr Hassanien, and Moeness G. Amin; DOI: 10.1109/TAES.2018.2866038
2022 IEEE AESS Technical Panel of the Year Award
Avionics Systems Panel, chaired by Roberto Sabatini
2022 AESS Chapter of the Year Award
Poland Section Chapter, Chaired by Krzysztof Nyka
2023 IEEE Walter R. Fried Award
Dual-Satellite Geolocation of Terrestrial GNSS Jammers from Low Earth Orbit
Zachary Clements, Todd Humphreys, The University of Texas at Austin; Patrick Ellis, Spire Global
IEEE AESS Engineering Scholarship
Undergraduate: Ayushi Gautam, Kumaraguru College of Technology, India; and Luke Joseph Sharples, Arizona State University, USA
Graduate: Ryan McKnight, Ohio University, USA
RadarConf'23 Awards
Student Paper Award
This year, the student paper competition is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Graeme Smith whose dedication to education and radar science was unparalleled.
- 🥇 FIRST PLACE: Alexander Denton - Deep-Layer Training of CNN for SAR with Two-Stage Data Augmentation
- 🥈 SECOND PLACE: Thomas Kramer - Compact Parameterization of Non-repeating FMCW Radar Waveform
- 🥉THIRD PLACE: Christoph Kammel - MIMO Radar-Based Rotation Parameter Estimation of Non-Cooperative Space Debris Objects
- Pirmin Schoeder - Waveform Analysis and Digital Predistortion for Modulation-Based Radar Target Simulators
- Bahozhoni White - Alternative “Bases” for Gradient-Based Optimization of Parameterized FM Radar Waveforms
First Alternate
Jonathan Owen - On the Optimality of Spectrally Notched Radar Waveform & Filter
Second Alternate
Lizette Lorraine Tovar Torre - Automotive Radar Interference Avoidance Strategies for Complex Traffic Scenarios