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Voting Now Open for 2024-2026 BoG Candidates

Vote by 15 June 2023
1 year 2 months ago
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The following notice has been sent to AESS members. To vote for the 2024-2026 Board of Governors slate, please use the link below.

Online Voting

2024-2026 Board of Governors Candidates

Laura Anitori
Michael Braasch
Steven Butler
Alexander Charlish
Fabiola Colone
Steven Harbour
Braham Himed
Kumar Vijay Mishra
Michael Rice
Avid Roman-Gonzalez
Barry C. Tilton

Download Nomination Packets

Subject Line: 2023 IEEE AES Society Election - Begins 18 May

11 May 2023

Dear IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Member,

We are sending this email message on behalf of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
because you are a current Society Member eligible to vote in the upcoming election.

This serves to notify voting Members that this year you will receive your IEEE Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Society ballot material electronically for voting in the IEEE AES Society Election on 18 May
2023 from (Click to show email) .

If you receive this message and would like to cast your ballot electronically, you need do nothing more.
On 18 May 2023, you will receive another email (sent to this same email address) with election
instructions and a link for voting online. The voting period is expected to be 18 May - 15 June 2023.

If you prefer to have the paper ballot material mailed to you, please e-mail your name, address, member
number and reference the AES Society election ballot to (Click to show email) or call +1 732 562 3904.
When the election ballots are sent out, your ballot will be physically mailed to you rather than sent

If you have any questions please contact (Click to show email) or +1 732 562 3904.

Thank you,
IEEE Society Election Staff