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Technical Panel Feature: Roberto Sabatini

Hear from the Avionics Systems Panel Chair
1 year 5 months ago
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Name: Roberto Sabatini
Affiliation: Khalifa University of Science and Technology (UAE) and RMIT University (Australia)
Technical Panel: Avionics Systems Panel
Number of years involved with IEEE, AESS, and the Panel: 20
Positions held in IEEE, AESS, and the Panel: 

  • 2021-Present   Avionics Systems Panel Chair
  • 2023-Present   BoG Industry Relations Committee Member
  • 2022-Present   Members-at-Large (BoG)
  • 2022-Present   BoG Publications Committee Member
  • 2022-Present   Cyber Security Panel Member 
  • 2015-Present   Avionics Systems Assoc Editor (TAES Technical Areas and Editors)
  • 2022-2022   BoG Technical Operations Committee Member
  • 2019-2021   Vice-Chair (Avionics Systems Panel)
  • 2015-2021   Senior Editor for Avionics Systems
  • 2020-2024   Distinguished Lecturer

What are some of your research interests?

Avionics Systems, Air Traffic Management, GNC, Trusted Autonomy, UAS, UTM, AAM, Cyber-Security, Space Systems, GNSS, Navigation, Tracking, Sense-and-Avoid, Space Domain Awareness, Space Traffic Management, Multi-Domain Traffic Management. 

What are some of your interests and activities outside of your professional career?

Volunteering, Coaching and Mentoring, Sports, Travel, Writing

AESS is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2023. What has been the greatest contribution of the Panel to AESS and its field of interest?

The Avionics Systems Panel (ASP) contributed significantly to the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS) mission. Relevant contributions include:

  • Research and Innovation (R&I) – Participation to NASA UTM and AAM activities; connections/collaborations with NextGen in the US and SESAR in the EU; other national and international Avionics/ATM/UAS programs; Collaboration with JARUS, ICAO and IFATCA (UAS/UTM) 
  • Publications –  Editorial Committees and Reviewer contributions to the Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and AESS Systems Magazine; several Special Issues on Avionics, UTM/UAM, and Space Systems; joint journal publication initiatives (e.g., Avionics Systems for Trusted Autonomy, Multi-Domain Traffic Management, Avionics Education)
  • Conferences – Significant contributions to AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), including a regular ASP Tutorial, the student paper competition, and the UAS Competition; AIAA/IEEE Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) Conference; and AIAA/IEEE Aerospace Conference; 
  • Education Activities – AESS Distinguished Lecturers/VDL Program updates; Webinars, Tutorials, and Short Course initiatives 
  •  Standards – Standards on UAS/autonomy, AI certification, V2X Communications, Cyber Security, etc.
  • AESS Joint Technical Panels – Vision/Synergy and Cyber Security Panel Liaison
  • The ASP delivered impactful and sustained contributions to the global aerospace R&D, industrial and academic communities. As a result, the ASP was conferred the IEEE AESS Technical Panel of the Year Award 2022.

Where do you see the panel going in the next 50 years (i.e. opportunities in this technical area)?

Addressing the challenges and opportunities offered by cyber-physical systems and AI for trusted autonomous air and space operations. Boosting the digital transformation and sustainable development of the aerospace and aviation sectors. 

What are the near-term (i.e., 1-3 years) goals of your panel?

Continue expanding our collaborative network (industry, government, and academia) and maximizing impact in the areas of research, education, and innovation management.

What has been your favorite memory of being involved with the IEEE and/or AESS?

Developing and co-delivering ASP Tutorials at DASC; developing magazine articles and special issues that have generated significant impact; impacting the global aerospace and aviation community through our direct involvement in NASA, EU, FAA, and JARUS R&D and standardization initiatives.

How might interested AESS members get involved?

Membership in the ASP is open to active IEEE members from the aerospace community who desire to advance avionics technology and system capabilities. Currently, the panel includes several standing committees, including Avionics Research and Innovation (R&I) Committee; Avionics Conference Committee; Awards, Nominations, and Elections Committee; Standards Committee; Education Committee; Journal Publications Committee; UAV Panel Committee, and Cyber Security Panel Committee. The ASP has a strategic agenda of initiatives liaising with national, regional, and international research organizations that are impacting the future of the aviation and aerospace sectors. The ASP develops and maintains a robust research cooperation program of work in collaboration with relevant industry and government organizations. In particular, the ASP activities in the avionics sector focus on the following areas:

  • Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance for Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM): (1) Evolution of the certification framework for integrated CNS and Avionics (CNS+A) systems;
  • (2) civil and military airspace integration and CNS+A systems interoperability.
  • Avionics Systems Integration and Security: (1) fault-tolerant avionics design and integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) systems; (2) cyber-physical security of avionics and CNS/ATM systems.
  • Multidomain Avionics (MDA): (1) UAS integration in all classes of airspace and UTM; and (2) avionics for future space transport, space traffic management (STM) and intelligent satellite systems.
  • Automation and Autonomy: (1) development of avionics human-machine interfaces and interactions (HMI2); and (2) artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) in avionics systems design and operations (including the challenges of certification and the role of explainable AI).

How can students and YP get involved in the panel's technical areas?

The ASP organizes regular tutorials (free to attend) at DASC and contributes to both the Student Paper Competition and the UAS Competition. Several members of the ASP deliver Distinguished Lectures (both virtually and in-person) as well as dedicated short courses and other student-centered initiatives. There is a continuing interaction with the student membership base at the various stages of their educational journeys. The ASP has also developed a paper (published in the AES Magazine) specifically addressing the educational needs of avionics undergraduate and postgraduate students, highlighting the required industry-focused evolutions in both higher education and continuing education curricula.