Towards a Long-range Microwave Quantum Radar
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The state of the art of Microwave Quantum Radar (MQR) based on entanglement will be introduced. Two-mode Squeezed Vacuum MQR based on Quantum Illumination (QI) protocol and Interferometric MQR exploiting N00N states will be discussed.
A MQR based on Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifier (JTWPA) will be discussed. The development and characterisation of JTWPA, operating as a two-mode squeezed vacuum state quantum source, emitting a microwave signal-idler entangled state will be reported. A phase-conjugate receiver is used as a joint detecting unit for the entangled signal-idler pairs, and its corresponding receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves will be reported and compared to the optimal classic scheme.
The comparison between JTWPA- MQR and previously Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA) MQR proposed in literature will be listed. The proposed technology paves the way to the first X-band long-range microwave quantum radar.