Gokhan Inalhan
Gokhan Inalhan
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Professor Gokhan Inalhan received his B.Sc. degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1997, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University, in 1998 and 2004 respectively. In 2003, he has received his Ph.D. Minor from Stanford University on Engineering Economics and Operations Research (currently Management Science and Engineering). Between 2004 and 2006 he had worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During this period, he had led the Communication and Navigation group in the MIT-Draper Laboratory NASA CER project. He has served as Director of Controls and Avionics Laboratory (2006-2016) and Director General of Aerospace Research Centre (2016-2019) at Istanbul Technical University. Gokhan is currently BAE Systems Chair, Professor of Autonomous Systems and Artificial at Cranfield University.
Gokhan has led and managed numerous grants and industrial projects from FP7, H2020, SESAR, EC Marie-Currie, EPSRC, Innovate UK, ATI, NATEP, BAE Systems, Boeing, Airbus, BR&T Europe and major Euro-Asian aerospace, defense and aviation companies. In addition to various best paper awards spanning IEEE CDC to IEEE DASC, he and his research are recipient of awards such as IEEE AESS Exceptional Service Award, Boeing Faculty Fellowship, Council of Higher Education Outstanding Achievement and TUBITAK Innovation Success Stories. Gokhan has been serving in Science, Technology and Advisory Boards of various government and commercial entities and he is a member of the general assembly of ASDA, CANSO CATS Global Council, and Eurocontrol Agency Research Team. His professional service span technical committees (AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control TC, AIAA Task Force on Advanced Air Mobility), program and editorial boards in which he has been leading themes including autonomy, artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and transportation for IEEE CCTA, ICRAT, SESAR SID and AIAA GNC. He is currently the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls and will be the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems in 2023. Gokhan is a life-time member and Associate Fellow of AIAA and a senior member of IEEE.
At Cranfield University, Professor Inalhan leads the research theme on autonomous systems and artificial intelligence within the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing. He has published +200 journals, book chapters and conference articles covering a diverse set of aerospace topics on autonomy, air traffic management of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, multiple vehicle coordination, advanced flight controls, unmanned air vehicle design and controls, applications of machine learning to air transportation and autonomy, avionics systems, large-scale and decentralized optimization, spacecraft design, spacecraft and uav fleet coordination, and data-drive decision making systems.
He and his research group currently focus on design, modeling, GNC, resilience, and security aspects of autonomy and artificial intelligence for air, defense, transportation, and space systems. Current research themes include advanced flight controls and reinforcement learning for autonomous systems, human-autonomy interaction in team concept, urban air and cargo mobility, ATM/UTM, data analytics driven digital twin and surrogate modeling, explainable AI for trustworthy autonomous systems.
- 2023-Present TAES EiC (Publications Committee)
- 2023-Present TAES EiC (Executive Editorial Staff)
- 2023-Present TAES EiC (TAES Executive Editorial Staff)
- 2021-2023 Autonomous Systems Senior Editor (TAES Technical Areas and Editors)
- 2022- TAES Associate EiC (Executive Editorial Staff)
LecturePresenterDateSeriesVirtual DL: 2024 SeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer Series
Towards Trustworthy Autonomy: How AI Can Help Address Fundamental Learning and Adaptation Challenges
PresenterDateSeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer SeriesVirtual DL: 2023 Series -