Pau Closas
Pau Closas
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Pau Closas (Sā04 - M'10 - SM'13) is an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston MA.
He received the MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from UPC in 2003 and 2009, respectively. He also holds a MS in Advanced Maths and Mathematical Engineering from UPC since 2014. He is the recipient of the EURASIP Best PhD Thesis Award 2014, the 9th Duran Farell Award for Technology Research, the 2016 ION's Early Achievements Award, a 2019 NSF CAREER Award, and the IEEE AESS Harry Rowe Mimno Award in 2022. His primary areas of interest include statistical signal processing, stochastic filtering, robust filtering, and machine learning, with applications to positioning and localization systems. He volunteered in editorial roles (e.g. NAVIGATION, Proc. IEEE, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., and IEEE Sig. Process. Mag.), and has been actively involved in organizing committees of a number of conference such as EUSIPCO (2011, 2019ā2022), IEEE SSP'16, IEEE/ION PLANS'20, or IEEE ICASSP'20.
- Present Members (Navigations Systems Panel)
- 2024-Present AESS Magazine EiC (Publications Committee)
- 2024-Present AESS Magazine EiC (Systems Magazine Editorial Board)