Paul Kostek
United States of America

Paul Kostek

Air Direct Solutions LLC
IEEE Region
Region 6 (Western U.S.)
Technical Area
Aerospace Systems Integration Engineering, Avionics Systems, Space Systems, Systems Engineering, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Spoken Languages


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I'm a contractor/consultant and principal of Air Direct Solutions LLC. My work is with companies in the application of systems engineering to define and solve problems. This includes defining user needs, system/subsystem requirements, system architecture, risk management, interface definition and verification planning . I've worked in the entire range of product development in the aerospace, avionics, defense, e-commerce and medical device industries. 
 Specialties: Requirements Management, system architecture, DO-178B, DO-254, ARP 4754, ARP 4761, IEC 60601, IEC14971 
 SE tool sets: DOORS, Jama

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