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RadarConf'26 Call for Proposals

Submit a proposal by 1 June 2023
1 year 5 months ago
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2026 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf'26)

The Radar Systems Panel (RSP) of the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society welcomes proposals from prospective organizers to host the 2026 IEEE Radar Conference. This conference series, originally initiated in 1984 as the US National Radar Conference, has grown to have an internationally diverse attendance and a reputation for the highest quality. The RadarConf series is the premier forum for the technological advancement of the field of radar including theoretical and experimental results for a diverse array of civil, scientific, and defense applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Radar Phenomenology (e.g. scattering, phenomenology)
  • Components (e.g. digital RF, photonics, mm-wave)
  • Signal Processing (e.g. detection, tracking, classification, STAP, machine learning)
  • Synthetic Aperture (e.g. FOPEN, RF tomography, remote sensing)
  • Antennas (e.g. phased arrays, conformal)
  • Civil/Scientific Applications (e.g. automotive, weather, planetary mapping, navigation,
  • biomedical)
  • Waveform Diversity (e.g. MIMO, pulse agility, bistatic/multistatic, noise radar)
  • Emerging Technologies (e.g. Terahertz sensing, meta-materials, spectrum sharing)

The 2026 conference should be planned for the April/May timeframe. Prior to submitting a proposal, AESS members interested in hosting RadarConf26 should send a notice of intent via email to Profs. Julie Jackson and Justin Metcalf. As part of a formal proposal, interested parties will be asked to demonstrate sufficient anticipated support from radar industry, facilities amenable for hosting the conference, and a financial plan according to IEEE requirements. The formal notice of intent is requested by 1 June 2023 and the written proposal by 31 July 2023. Proposers must provide a written proposal and summary slides and be ready to participate in online discussion/Q&A regarding their submitted proposal.

Download Call for Proposals

Julie Ann Jackson, PhD
Chair, RSP Conferences Committee
(Click to show email)

Justin Metcalf, PhD
Co-Chair, RSP Conferences Committee
(Click to show email)