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Meet the Team: Laura Anitori

Hear from the Radar Systems Panel Chair
10 months 3 weeks ago
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Name: Laura Anitori
Affiliation: CNIT RaSS Lab
Technical Panel: Radar Systems Panel
Number of years involved with IEEE, AESS, and the Panel: 10+
Positions held in IEEE, AESS, and the Panel: 

  • IEEE and AESS Student member, member, Senior member.
  • IEEE RSP member since 2018
  • RSP chair since 2023
  • AESS BoG member since 2021

What are some of your research interests?

Radar System, Radar Signal Processing, Active Phased Array Radars, Compressive Sensing, Waveform Diversity, Adaptive and Cognitive Radar

What are some of your interests and activities outside of your professional career?

Reading, Running, Traveling, Cooking

AESS celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2023. What has been the greatest contribution of the Panel to AESS and its field of interest?

Education, Membership and Networking (in particular, creating a "family" for radar scientists and engineers with a sense of belonging to a community).  For radar specifically, definition of standards, activities for young members to learn about radars (e.g. Radar Boot Camp), supervision and participation to the organization of the IEEE flagship radar conference series, and definition and promotion of new areas in the field of radar.

Where do you see the panel going in the next 50 years (i.e. opportunities in this technical area)?

There are many opportunities in the radar area, in particular for civil applications (e.g. automotive and health monitoring), as well as in distributed and networked radar, digital radars/arrays, and cognitive sensor systems.

 What are the near-term (i.e., 1-3 years) goals of your panel?

 To increase activities for younger scientists/engineers entering the field, to increase the panel footprint within the larger radar community, to improve the quality/offerings of radar conferences, to develop standards for new areas.

What has been your favorite memory of being involved with the IEEE and/or AESS?

To become a member of the "radar" family, and to enjoy meeting at the Radar Conference with my peers to discuss about technical topics, as well as career and personal developments. 

How might interested AESS members get involved?

Talk with panel members at e.g. conferences or local chapter meetings and volunteer to e.g. help with organization of events (conferences, DL, etc..) and, if desired, apply to become panel or board members.

How can students and YP get involved in the panel's technical areas?

For YP there are several local and international events organized by the AESS and the panel. The fastest way is to join a local chapter,  attend conferences and YP dedicated events and volunteer to help in the organization of YP events.