Roy Streit
Roy Streit
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ROY L. STREIT (SM’84-F’12) received his B.A. (Physics and Mathematics) from the East Texas State University (now Texas A&M-Commerce) in 1968, his M.A. (Mathematics) from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1970 and his Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island in 1978. Since 2005 he has been a Senior Scientist at Metron in Reston, VA, a scientific consulting company specializing in search, tracking, and related problems. He is also a Professor (Adjunct) at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a Consultant with SUCCEED, an independent educational consultancy based in Rhode Island. Prior to 2005, he was a Senior Research Scientist in the SES (Senior Executive Service) at the U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC). The focus of his work at NUWC was the development, evaluation and application of multi-sensor data fusion algorithms in support of submarine sonar and combat control automation. In this capacity he initiated and led multi-disciplinary exploratory and advanced development efforts to demonstrate new and advanced capabilities for integrated classification, detection, and tracking. He has published two books, one of which was translated into Chinese, over 40 journal articles (and more under review), and numerous conference papers and book chapters. He holds nine US patents. He was awarded IEEE Fellow status in 2012. His primary areas of active research include multitarget tracking and multi-sensor data fusion. He was President of the International Society for Information Fusion (ISIF) in 2012, and he continues to serve on the ISIF Board of Directors. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the new ISIF Perspectives Magazine. He was General Co-Chair (with Murat Efe) for the 2012 ISIF/IEEE Fusion Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. He is Technical Program Co-Chair (with Stefano Coraluppi and Allen Waxman) for the 2015 ISIF/IEEE Fusion Conference, Washington, DC. He is General Co-Chair (with X. Rong Li) of the ISIF Fusion Conference in Xi’an, China, in 2017. He served from 1996–2005 on the Sonar Technology Panel (Panel 9) of The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP), a multinational governmental organization supporting scientific information exchange between member nations. He was an Exchange Scientist at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) in Adelaide, Australia, from 1987–1989. He was a Visiting Scientist at Yale University, Computer Science Department, 1982-4, a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, Operation Research Department, 1981-2, and a Visiting Scientist at Adelaide University, Statistics Department, Australia, 1989. He received the Solberg Award from the American Society of Naval Engineers for significant accomplishments to naval engineering through personal research in 1999, and the Department of the Navy Superior Civilian Achievement Award in 2001. He was a NATO Lecturer (SET-157) on Multisensor Fusion in nine NATO countries in 2010, 2011, and 2012. He was an independent consultant in radar and sonar tracking, Hanyang University, Ansan, Republic of Korea, 2014. He is participating in on-going research on tracking with Fraunhofer-FKIE in Wachtberg, Germany.
- 2022-2022 Nominations & Appointments Committee Member (Nominations & Appointments Committee)
- 2019-2021 Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2018-2018 Vice President Industry Relations (Officers)
- 2018-2018 Vice President Industry Relations (Industry Relations Committee)
- 2017-2017 Secretary (Officers)
- 2012 AESS IEEE Fellows