Mark E. Davis
Mark E. Davis
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Mark Davis has over 45 years experience in Government and Industry in developing technology and systems for Radar and Electronic Systems. In 2008 he established medavis consulting as a Sole Proprietorship, to assist in review and development of advanced sensor systems, with customers in Government, Industry and Small Businesses. He held senior management positions at DARPA as Deputy Director Information Exploitation Office (2006-08), Technical Director for Air Force Research Laboratory Space Based Radar Technology (1998-2006) and Program Manager in DARPA Information Systems Office for Counter CC&D technologies (1995-1998). Dr Davis also had senior Engineering and Program Management positions with General Electric Aerospace, and General Dynamics Missile Systems. His interests are in Radar and microwave system design, phased array antennas and adaptive signal processing. Dr Davis is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Military Sensing Symposia, and Chair of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel. Within the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society, he has been a member of the Board of Governors (2008-2013) holding positions of VP of Conferences (2010-2012) and VP of Finance (2013). Dr Davis is currently serving on the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, and is a member of the NASA review board on earth resource monitoring. He has received a PhD in Physics from The Ohio State University, and Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering from Syracuse University. In addition to these technical duties, he has published over 75 journal and conference papers on Radar and Microwave Systems. More recently, he has authored a book Foliage Penetration Radar - Detection and Characterization of Objects under Trees published by Scitech Publishing in March 2011, and a Chapter on Principals of Modern Radar on FOPEN.
AESS Position(s):
President (2022-2023); BoG (2018-2020) (2015-2017); President-Elect (2020-2021); VP Conferences (2016-2018); AESS Distinguished Lecturer (2020-2022); IEEE Fellow
- 2025-Present Finance Committee Member (Finance Committee)
- 2024-Present Past President (Officers)
- 2022-2023 President (Officers)
- 2021-2022 Conferences Committee Member (Conferences Committee)
- 2021-2021 Finance Committee Member (Finance Committee)
- 2020-2021 President-Elect (Officers)
- 2020-2020 Finance Committee Member (Finance Committee)
- 2018-2020 Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
- 2015-2018 Vice President Conferences (Officers)
- 2015-2018 Vice President Conferences (Conferences Committee)
- 2012-2014 Radar Systems Panel Chair (Technical Operations Committee)
- 2012-2014 Radar Systems Panel Chair (Radar Systems Panel Committee)
- 2013-2013 Vice President Finance (Officers)
- 2013-2013 Vice President Finance (Finance Committee)
- 2012-2026 Distinguished Lecturer
- 2018 IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal
- 2011 Warren D. White Award
LecturePresenterDateSeriesVirtual DL: 2024 SeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer Series
LecturePresenterDateSeriesVirtual DL: 2024 SeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer Series
LecturePresenterDateSeriesVirtual DL: 2023 SeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer Series
LecturePresenterDateSeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer SeriesVirtual DL: 2023 Series
WebinarPresenterDateSeriesVirtual DL: 2021 - Spring SeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer SeriesVirtual DL: 2023 Series
PresenterDateSeriesVirtual Distinguished Lecturer SeriesVirtual DL: 2020 - Radar Series
PresenterSeriesShort Course