Radar Challenge 2024

Radar Challenge 2024

The 2024 Radar Challenge took place at the IEEE Radar Conference in Denver, CO, and was organized by the AESS Radar System Panel with the invaluable support of Analog Devices and MathWorks.

With the Challenge, different teams had the opportunity to practice and showcase their skills with state-of-the-art radar hardware, specifically the Phaser 10 GHz Phased Array Radar platform from Analog Devices. This is a low-cost, simplified phased array radar that allows real beamforming hardware to be used for education, research activities, and even software development in MATLAB.

Within the Challenge, each team of participants was asked to submit a proposed plan of activities in Fall 2023, and 10 teams were selected to receive one Phaser kit and support from the Analog Devices and MathWorks teams to develop their proposal further. Eventually, seven teams made it to the final stage and came to the Radar Conference to showcase their work with a public presentation and Q&A session. 


Radar Challenge 2024 Presentation
Radar Challenge 2024 Presentation
Radar Challenge 2024 Presentation
Radar Challenge 2024 Presentation

2024 Teams

A panel of judges scored the work of the seven teams based on criteria such as creativity, technical depth, clarity, and completeness of the presented material.

The three top teams were:

1st Place: Nicole Pham and Dylan Wesen, University of Washington, for their work on ISAR imaging for navigation surveillance

2nd Place: Min-Duan Tzeng, Hsiu-Wei Hsu, Shin Yi Low, and Wei-Chun Hwang, University of Oklahoma, for their work on radar-based tomography

3rd Place: Sean J. Kearney, Josh Haeker, Emily Curl) from the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa for their work on small drone surveillance and classification.

It is important to emphasize that all teams received the Phaser kits just before Christmas, so the technical work they showed was performed over only a few months. Well done therefore to all the groups for their impressive performance!

The next edition of the Challenge will take place at the 2025 IEEE Radar Conference in Krakow, Poland in October 2025.

1st Place

University of Washington logo
University of Washington

2nd Place

University of Oklahoma logo
University of Oklahoma

3rd Place

University of Alabama logo
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Logo
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Colorado University Buffalo Logo
University of Colorado
University of Strathclyde Glasgow logo
University of Strathclyde, UK