Types of Funding Requests

Conference Activities

This is for conferences with an IEEE conference sponsorship application and approved MOU. They have a conference bank account that the funds can be wire transferred to.

The volunteers must communicate to the organizers that this funding should not be considered revenue when they are looking at their budgets and expenses. This funding is a reimbursement for expenses incurred

Before the conference (Loan+Reimbursement)

This is considered a loan. This option should only be utilized if the conference needs the funds to execute the activity as they don't have the funding in the account to pay for it upfront. You will be required to submit the itemized expenses and receipts following the event to the AESS Operations Manager. AESS will fund up to the amount previously agreed upon. If the expenses were less than the amount agreed upon, the conference will credit AESS for the difference.

After the conference (Reimbursement Only)

The same reimbursement and transfer process is followed as outlined in the section “Reimbursement and Funds Transfer Process”. The difference is there will be one less transfer made between the IEEE and the conference accounts.

AESS Chapter Events and Activities

These are requests for funding an event hosted by an IEEE Section/Chapter. This is not for conferences that went through the IEEE MCE Conference Application. The major differences from the above are the Society doesn't need to receive an invoice for expenses and the Society assumes no liability for any expenses or revenues from the event.

Chapters have two funding options available to them as outlined on the AESS website.

  1. Annual Funding - For chapters and joint chapters ($500) and student branch chapters ($250) is provided. The form must be submitted annually.
  2. Chapter Activity Funding - For funding requests up to $2,500 for a specific activity or event. Amounts over $2,500 will be reviewed and voted on by the AESS Board of Governors at their Spring and Fall meetings.

These are sponsorship requests that do not fall under the two definitions above. The entity will need to be set up as a Supplier and vetted by IEEE Legal before any funds are sent. A U.S. tax form will also be required (W9 for U.S. entities and a W8-BEN-E for non-U.S. entities).

Wire transfer requests to an individual’s bank account are not allowed. Expenses reimbursed to an individual must be submitted via IEEE Concur.

How to Request Funding

Before the Activity
After the activity
  • Following the event submit to the AESS Operations Manager at (Click to show email):
    • An itemized list of expenses and amounts to be reimbursed by AESS
    • Total Amount
    • Expense receipts
  • Submit an event summary via the webform to be included in the AESS Newsletter no later than 90 days following the event.

Review Process

Conference Activities and Other Requests

The respective AESS Vice President will review the request received via the AESS Activity Funding Request Form. They will recommend to the President and Treasurer if the activity funding should be approved or will communicate with the requestor if additional information is needed or not approved.

AESS Chapter Events and Activities
  1. Annual Funding Requests will be reviewed by the AESS VP Member Services and/or Operations Manager (with approval from the AESS President).
  2. Chapter Activity Funding Requests
    1. $2,500 or less: Will be reviewed by the AESS VP Member Services and Member Services Committee. The committee will determine the amount to be funded.
    2. $2,500 or more: Will be reviewed by the AESS VP Member Services and Member Services Committee. The committee will make a recommendation to the AESS Board of Governors who will vote at the Spring and Fall meetings.

Reimbursement and Funds Transfer Process

Approved requests will be sent by the AESS OM to IEEE Conference Payments or the IEEE TA staff member to initiate the transfer within 4-6 weeks of receipt. Please allow appropriate time for your request to be reviewed and processed.

For Conferences

Following the event/conference, the following must be submitted to the AESS Operations Manager at (Click to show email).

  • An itemized list of the actual costs incurred with running the event (i.e. room rental fees, equipment, F&B, AV, and hotel accommodations paid directly by the conference, not by an individual).
  • Total amount in USD
  • Receipts

Upon review of the submitted items, the AESS OM will send them to the AESS President and/or Treasurer for review and approval. Once approved, the AESS OM will send the information to IEEE Conference Payments.

  1. If a loan is requested pre-event, the AESS will request the loan from IEEE Conference Payments with the requested amount and wire transfer information.
  2. After the event, AESS will submit the funding request with itemized expenses and receipts from the event organizers and the GL code to IEEE Conference Payments at (Click to show email) depending on the type of request.
For Chapters 

Upon review and approval by the VP Member Services, the AESS OM will send the funding request to the IEEE TA staff member to initiate the transfer within 4-6 weeks of receipt. The IEEE TA staff member will send a confirmation email to the requestor once the transfer has been completed.

Chapters are highly encouraged to submit a post-event report for the AESS newsletter via the web form within 90 days of their event.