Stefano Coraluppi

Stefano Coraluppi

Systems & Technology Research
IEEE Region
Region 1 (Northeastern U.S.)
Technical Area
Target Tracking Systems

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Stefano Coraluppi is a Chief Scientist at Systems & Technology Research (STR). He received the BS degree in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1990, and MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland in 1992 and 1997. He has held research staff positions at ALPHATECH Inc. (1997-2002), the NATO Undersea Research Centre (2002-2010), Compunetix Inc. (2010-2014), and STR (since 2014). His research interests include multi-target tracking, multi-sensor data fusion, distributed detection and estimation, and optimal and stochastic control. He is Editor-in-Chief for the ISIF Journal of Advances in Information Fusion. He serves on the IEEE AESS Board of Governors and the ISIF Board of Directors. He is a Fellow of IEEE.

IEEE AESS Position History:
  • 2024-Present   Vice President Industry Relations (Officers)
  • 2024-Present   Society Awards Committee Member (Society Awards Committee)
  • 2024-Present   Fellows Evaluations Committee Member (Fellows Evaluations Committee)
  • 2024-Present   Vice President Industry Relations (Industry Relations Committee)
  • 2020-Present   Publications Committee Member (Publications Committee)
  • 2023-2023   Nominations & Appointments Committee Member (Nominations & Appointments Committee)
  • 2021-2023   Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
  • 2021-2023   Industry Relations Committee Member (Industry Relations Committee)
  • 2022-2022   Short Course Committee Member (Short Course Committee)
  • 2019-2020   Short Course Committee Member (Short Course Committee)
  • 2018-2020   Board of Governor Member-at-Large (BoG)
  • 2018-2020   Technical Operations Committee Member (Technical Operations Committee)
  • 2019-2019   Short Course Committee Chair (Short Course Committee)
  • 2018-2018   Publications Committee Member (Publications Committee)
  • Recognitions:
  • 2023-2024 Distinguished Lecturer
  • 2021 AESS IEEE Fellows
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